ThemeField, which is located at www.themefield.com, has a show called Smart Awards, which allows citizens of the web to pick their top five favorites of the media for an award. Www.themefiled.com will then pick the top nominees and hold a voting session for the winners. However, ThemeField is much more than just the host of Smart Awards.
The mini blog network allows users to connect and socialize. It is a new take on the aging social network idea, but much more about a community than who you personally know. Best of all, it allows you to become an expert on the topics you care most about. It also allows you to meet new people who are like-minded to you, but it also gives you some advantage if needed to start becoming a freelance writer. However, if you do not wish to use as a way to build your name, you can always use it as way to see real reviews. Reviews that you can trust and know that they are not being paid for.
Basically, you can say that www.themefield.com and Smart Awards are a new way to interact with like-minded people. It brings a fresh breathe of air from the stale social networks, but it can also provide you a way to speak your voice without being ignored. You can find more out about the Smart Awards at http://www.youtube.com/user/SMARTAWARDS.